2 Others the resistances were not quite in line, and the last one I have opened up to check yet. One has resistances that would probably work, but it is a 50V G2 tube and not a 70V G2 tube (though I'm told it may very well work fine regardless). In the meantime I've picked up 4 27' TVs from the roadside. It really should be replaced, but it is actually working. I had to repeat the process a number of times, and the last values I had once got them to as close to 5 or > that I could and in balance was around 4.5 on all 3 guns. My tube had a gain of > 10 on one gun, a gain of 10 gun dropped to 10, and the near zero came up to 7-8. That is a bit of an oversimplification, but the problem with mine was a cap job and a crap tube. If you are lucky you'll find a tube where the yoke matches closely the resistance of yours, otherwise, a yoke swap and a reconverge will handle it.
If you're problem is the tube and not the chassis, there are lots of 27' televisions in e-waste, Craigslist, recycling centers, good will ?, coworkers, etc.